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Summary: Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11 (8/2011)
by Douglas Dixon
Vegas Movie Studio Summary
Product Versions
Vegas Movie Studio 11 Features
DVD Architect Studio 5.0 Features
Supported File Formats
About Sony Creative Software
Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11, released in June 2011, offers "professional-quality" video editing and disc authoring at a consumer price just below $100. This new version adds Stereoscopic 3D editing, along with GPU-accelerated AVC rendering,added support for progressive formats, plus a variety of workflow improvements (www.sonycreativesoftware.com/moviestudiope). Movie Studio also continues to include the separate DVD Architect Studio 5.0 for Blu-ray and DVD authoring.
Vegas Movie Studio is designed for people who want to do significant editing -- It's not an "EZ" editor with lots of one-click fixes and step-by-step wizards. Instead, it's a pro-style editor, with timeline editing, keyframed video effects and transitions, text animations and effects, and audio effects down to the event level. Plus it incorporates pro technology including stabilization, green screen, color correction, and support for pro cameras including DVCAM.
Another Sony trademark is deep access to options and features, with a wide range of options and features available in the menus and dialogs. The profusion can sometimes be overwhelming, especially with Sony's sometimes idiosyncratic design and terminology. But Vegas Movie Studio continues to satisfy if you're looking for a consumer-priced editing tool that will keep offering options instead of getting in your way as you fine tune the subtle details of your production.
The core Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 is priced at $94.95, with AVCHD video, 5.1 sound, and DVD Architect Studio. Movie Studio is also available in the Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 Production Suite ($129) with Sound Forge Audio Studio for audio editing plus additional tools and effects, and in the Imagination Studio 3 bundle ($179) also with ACID Music Studio 8 and Photo Go.
Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9, originally released in August 2008, also continues to be available for basic HD editing and sharing ($49).

Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9, DVD Architect Studio, Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11, Production Suite
Sony's consumer Movie Studio applications are based on its higher-end
professional tools (see below). Vegas Movie Studio is based on the professional Vegas
Pro editor, simplified to remove complexity, and enhanced with
consumer-friendly New Project and Make Movie wizards and Show Me
How interactive tutorials, especially useful for getting started. But the
higher-end interface design still shows through -- this is not a simple 1-2-3 step-by-step
interface to walk you though the process, but instead it provides the tools and
elements for enthusiasts who want to dive in to editing. And to get further into
working with audio, there's also Sony's companion Audio Studio and Music
Studio apps for more detailed audio editing and music creation.
The three Vegas Movie Studio product versions are:
- Vegas Movie Studio HD 9 (not updated) - $44.95
- Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 - $94.95, with AVCHD, 5.1, DVD Architect Studio
- Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 Production Suite - $124.95, with Sound Forge Audio Studio and
more effects
Sony Studio Product Line (7/11)
Sony Creative Software continues to develop its line of popular and powerful tools
for digital video, DVD, audio, and music production, including separate lines of higher-end
professional tools and consumer software (www.sonycreativesoftware.com).
Sony's professional product line is built around three core product names: Vegas
for video editing, Sound Forge for audio editing, and ACID for
music creation (www.sonycreativesoftware.com/products).
Sony's consumer products trade off these names, but under the Home Studio
brand, as in Vegas Movie Studio, Sound Forge Audio Studio, and ACID
Music Studio (www.sonycreativesoftware.com/homestudio). Sony offers trial versions as downloads from its website.
Sony Vegas Movie Studio, Sound Forge Audio Studio, ACID Music Studio
For more on the Sony Home Studio products, see my previous articles:
Find related Sony
Software articles in the Manifest Tech Blog
[ Top ]
- Simple drag-and-drop editing
- Share on YouTube, Facebook, MySpace
- Show Me How tutorials: Text dialog boxes, pointers, guides - show where to click
- New Project wizard sets up projects
- Make Movie wizard exports optimized final files
- Platinum: Stereoscopic 3D editing, supports NVIDIA 3D Vision system
- Native MVC 3D and 3D MPO formats
Video Editing
- Edit in HD: work simultaneously with SD and HD video
- Over 500 customizable transitions, filters, effects, titles
- All video effects keyframeable
- Text animations, title rolls, scrolling credits
- Slow or fast motion, reverse, green screen, picture-in-picture
- Image restoration and color correction tools
- Dynamic slideshows: Zoom, pan and scan, rotate
- Import photos and videos: Search, sort, view media
Audio Editing
- Add music from CD or audio files
- Hundreds of royalty-free music soundtracks
- Live recording for voiceovers, music, narration; multiple takes
- Audio restoration to remove clicks, pops, reduce noise
- Platinum: Surround sound 5.1 mixing and encoding
DVD and Blu-ray Disc Authoring (Platinum)
- Templates or custom menus, backgrounds, buttons
- Picture slideshows, single-movie DVDs, music compilations
- Burn directly from timeline
Vegas Movie Studio HD - $49.95
- Create amazing movies in minutes
- 4 video and 4 audio tracks
- Video editing tools with transitions, titles
- Special effects including green screen and slow motion
- Online sharing sites to Facebook and YouTube
- Show Me How tutorials
- New Project wizard sets up project workflow
- Make Movie wizard optimized final files for delivery
- www.sonycreativesoftware.com/moviestudiohd
Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 - $99.95, Upgrade $69.95
- Professional-quality video editing and disc authoring
- 10 video and 10 audio tracks
- DVD Architect Studio 5.0 software for Blu-ray and DVD authoring and burning
- 5.1 surround and stereo AC-3 encoding
- Stereoscopic 3D editing - includes paper 3D glasses
- GPU-accelerated AVC/H.264 encoding
- Image stabilization
- Slideshow creator
- Primary and Secondary color correction
- XDCAM Support, Device Explorer
- Box includes: 56 DVD themes, 360 music soundtracks, paper 3D glasses
- www.sonycreativesoftware.com/moviestudiope
Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 Production Suite - $129.95, Upgrade $99.95
- Video editing, Audio mastering, and disc authoring
- Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 to record, edit, encode, and master audio
- with Vocal Eraser tool to extract and remove vocals
- NewBlueFX Transitions, Effects, and 3D Titling audio and video effects
- Jump Start Tutorial DVD
- 12 new DVD themes, 400 exclusive music soundtracks
- www.sonycreativesoftware.com/moviestudiopp
Imagination Studio 3 bundle - $179.95
[ Top ]
New Features

- Stereoscopic 3D import, editing, rendering:
- Native support for Sony MVC 3D video and MPO 3D still image camera / file formats
- Share online to 3D services like YouTube 3D, burn to Blu-ray disc to view on 3D TVs
- Monitor on 3D stereoscopic monitors, or Anaglyphic on 2D monitors with red/cyan glasses
- Supports NVIDIA 3D Vision / Pro system with GeForce or Quadra graphics cards
- Improved GPU-accelerated AVC rendering
- ATI or NVIDIA graphics cards, Up to 20% improvement
- Improved QuickTime AVC Decoding
- For DSLR cameras that record in QuickTime AVC formats
- Added support for progressive 24p / 50p / 60p HD project formats
- Capture through print to tape
- Titles and Text Plug-in
- Presets and templates for text animations and effects
- Some of the options of Pro Type Titler, with easy-to-use interface
- Audio Event Effects
- Apply effects directly to event level for more precise control
- Master output, bus level, track level, and now event level
- New Video Effects Plug-in SDK
- Open Effects Association platform, for third-party developers
- Workflow improvements
- Render As dialog - Improved layout, templates, text search of templates, built-in template filters
- Trimmer and Video Preview windows - add Transport Control bar
- New Project dialog - Selectable Project Settings for simple choices
- Make Movie Wizard - Streamlined, more comprehensive
- Device Explorer window
DVD Architect Studio 5.0
- Burn to Blu-ray Disc
- Enhanced window layout management — save, recall, share custom window layouts

Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11: Main window
Project Media tab (top left) - also Explorer, Trimmer, Video FX, Media Generators, Trimmer ...
Preview Window with Mixer (top right)
Track list and multi-track Timeline (bottom)
[ Top ]
General Features
- *New* Transport Control support for Trimmer and Preview Window
- *New* Horizontal Window Docking
- *New* Titles & Text Plug-in
- Microsoft Windows 7 certified
- Streamlined New Project creation wizard
- Darker color palette
- Customizable windows layouts
- Device Explorer Window
- Slideshow Creator
- Save As dialog with Copy media with project check box
- Media Generator Match Event Length
- Keyboard modifiers
- Time Selection Envelope editing
- Automatically crop still images
- 360 exclusive music soundtracks
- Improved native HDV .m2t playback performance and improved memory handling for HDV long form projects
- Sony AVCHD enhancements
- Freehand envelope drawing on the timeline
- Display of media marker names in events
- Color-coded visual snap indicator and the ability to snap to event edges on other tracks
- Multitrack video and audio editing
- Real-time editing of parameters during playback
- Support for any aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9, etc)
- Supports multiple file formats and frame rates
- High-definition editing and output
- Simple drag-and-drop operations
- Built-in Show Me How interactive tutorials
- Explorer view
- Project media bins
- Track markers and regions
- Unlimited undo/redo
Video Features
- *New* Stereoscopic 3D editing
- *New* Added support for 24p, 50p and 60p projects
- *New* Enhanced Video Plug-in architecture
- *New* Added support for MVC and MPO file formats
- *New* Single-Display 3D Support
- Up to 10 video tracks
- Image stabilization
- White Balance video plug-in
- Secondary Color Corrector plug-in
- Subclips in the Trimmer window
- Automatic Video Preview playback optimization
- Adjust source media to automatically match project or render settings
- Gradient Wipe transition
- Full-screen preview to a primary and secondary Windows display
- Real-time playback of effects, processes and transitions to external monitor
- Color-correction tools
- MPEG-1&2 support
- Superior frame rate conversions
- Credit rolls and text animation
- Over 400 video effects and transitions
- External monitor preview
- Ripple editing across tracks
Capture / Export / Hardware Features
- *New* Improved Quicktime AVC decode
- *New* Improved Render and Make Movie Dialogs
- *New* File format and template updates
- *New* OpenCL AVC Encode through OrangeFrost
- *New* Upload 3D projects to YouTube 3D
- Integrated DVD burning from the timeline
- Render As dialog templates display templates matching the project with a "=" symbol
- Custom render template creation
- Improved support for AVC/AAC (MPEG-4) video
- Support for GPU-accelerated AVC rendering using the Sony AVC plug-in
- Burn to Blu-ray Disc from timeline
- Integrated upload to YouTube
- Import and export support for FLAC files
- Import support for LPEC files
- Import support for MJPEG-encoded AVI files
- Sony AVCHD import and edit support
- Import and export ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus, and ATRAC Advanced Lossless files
- Insert I-frames at marker positions when rendering MPEG-2 (works in conjunction with I-frame viewer in DVD Architect Studio 5.0)
- Gracenote MusicID CD album identification
- AC3 stereo and 5.1 encoding
- MainConcept AVC/AAC, read/write (templates only) iPod format
- PSP (PlayStation Portable) integration
- Sony AVC/AAC (templates only)
Audio Features
- *New* Event level audio effect assignment
- Up to 10 audio tracks
- Zplane élastique audio timestretching and pitch shifting
- Place audio without quantizing to frame boundaries
- Improved Audio Waveform drawing
- Multithreaded audio engine maximizes performance
- Gracenote MusicID CD album identification
- Basic surround support
- Support for multichannel (5.1) source files for Sony HDV Handycam camcorders
- 16-bit, 44.1 kHz song quality for exceptional performance
- Volume and pan envelopes
- Audio time stretching
- Event normalization
- CD audio extraction
[ Top ]

DVD Architect Studio 5.0: Main window
Project Overview with DVD hierarchy
(top left)
Menu editor / workspace (top center)
Properties (top right)
Buttons tab (bottom left) - also Explorer, Themes, Backgrounds ...
Timeline (bottom right)
- Microsoft Windows 7 certified
- Burning to Blu-ray Disc
- Enhanced window layout management — save, recall, and share custom window layouts.
- Built-in Show Me How interactive tutorials
- End actions for menus and media
- Project overview window
- Customizable user interface
- DVD theme export
- Project playlists
- Smart reprepare
DVD Design and Authoring
- Menu-based and single-movie DVD creation
- Picture slideshows and music compilations
- Easy to use drag-and drop interface
- Unlimited number of undo/redo
- Media Explorer
- Adjustable project and file optimization settings
- Multimonitor support
- Multiprocessor support
- Fully customizable toolbars
- DVD editing and layout
- Still and motion menu creation
- Support for multiple video titles
- Multiple menus with up to 36 buttons per menu
- Menu object editing, alignment, and sizing tools
- Text editing and shadow effects
- Object snapping
- Slide image rotation
- Add, edit, and move chapter points
- Title and Action safe grid area
- Customizable themes
- Menu looping
- Fit-to-disc compression
- DVD movie creation
- NTSC and PAL in standard (4:3) and widescreen (16:9) formats
- Imports AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MOV, WMV, and a variety of still image formats
- Music compilations
- Attach audio files to menus
- Media file previewing
- Import WAV, MP3, WMA, PCA, AIF, MPEG audio
Testing and Burning
- Dual-layer drive support
- Real-time project previewing with virtual DVD remote control or to external monitor
- DVD project verification and preparation
- Supports a wide variety of DVD burners
[ Top ]
RealMedia, QuickTime, SND, SFA, W64, WAV, WDP, WMA, WMV
(vs. v. 8 - Adds AAC, AA3, MVC, OMA, RealMedia, SND; Removes ATRAC, LPEC, MMV, SWF, TGA, TIF (Premium Sony M2TS, PSD)
RealMedia, TIFF, QuickTime, W64, WAV, WDP, WMA, WMV
(vs. v. 8 - Adds AAC, AA3, AIFF, AVC, BMP, JPEG, LPEC, MP3, MVC, OGG, PNG, TIFF, WDP; Removes MPEG-1
[ Top ]
Professional Product Line (7/11)
Sony Creative Software develops higher-end professional tools and more
entry-level consumer software for digital video, music, DVD, and audio
production (www.sonycreativesoftware.com).
Originally developed by Sonic Foundry, and acquired by Sony Pictured Digital in
May 2003, the product line includes higher-end professional tools and more
entry-level versions for consumers.
The three core professional products are Vegas for video editing, Sound
Forge for audio editing, and ACID for music creation:
- Vegas Pro 10: Professional HD video, audio, and
Blu-ray disc creation, $679
includes DVD Architect)
- Sound Forge Pro 10: Professional digital audio
production suite, $374
- ACID Pro 7: Professional digital audio workstation, $299
Consumer Product Line (7/11)
The corresponding Sony consumer tools share these names, but have been
rebranded as the Home Studio line (originally Screenblast), emphasizing Movie,
Audio, and Music creation, and deemphasizing the Vegas, Sound Forge,
and ACID connections (www.sonycreativesoftware.com/homestudio).
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