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Creating Blu-ray Discs: Roxio DVDit Pro HD

The first software for Blu-ray authoring, including CyberLink, InterVideo/Ulead, and Roxio MyDVD, used the basic BDAV (audio/video) format that was designed for recording video clips to disc, but without menus or fancy DVD interfaces.

Roxio DVDit Pro HD is the first tool to offer full-up DVD authoring for Blu-ray discs, using what's known as BDMV (Movie) mode.

The base Roxio DVDit 6 Pro is $299.99, with support for up to 8 audio and 32 subtitle tracks, plus Dolby Digital stereo encoding (plus pass-thorough support for 5.1 surround sound).

But we're interested in the full Roxio DVDit Pro HD for $499.99, which allows you to author a project at full HD resolution, and then deliver the result as fullscren or widescreen, standard DVD and/or Blu-ray. It's all the same old DVD authoring stuff that you may remember from the previous version, except that you can now author menus with full HD widescreen content, and it outputs to Blu-ray format.

See full article: Delivering HD Discs: Roxio DVDit Pro HD

    Check out Roxio DVDit Pro HD on Amazon.com.

Manifest Tech Site


This entry posted on April 30, 2007.

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