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DVI Technology Products
by Douglas Dixon
DVI Technology hardware and software products,
- VDP i750 Video Processor and Display chips and
- Pro750 and ActionMedia boards, plus
- AVSS and AVK software development systems under DOS, Windows and OS/2,
- PLV and RTV compression algorithms.

- 12/86 VDP1: 12.5 MHz, 4 regs, 256 MRAM & DRAM
- 82750PA / PA / VDP1b: 12.5 MHz, 8 regs, 256 MRAM & DRAM
- SRI/GE/DSRC, Silicon Compiler
- 82750PB / PB / V1: 25.0 MHz, 16 regs, 512 MRAM & DRAM
- 12/86 - 82750DA / DA / V2 / VDP2: 20 MHz
- 82750DB / DB: 45 MHz, full CLUT, 2xVertical, YVU-RGB, D/A
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Pro750 Application Development Kit / Application Development Platform
- 12/86 - Tower Boards
- 7/89 - 7-Board Set
- Video board: VDP, AT bus, RGB out
- Audio board: TMS 320C10, 25 MHz Video Digitizer board: piggy back
- Audio Digitizer board: piggy back
- Utility board: 18K RAM, Sony CDU-100 CD-ROM, Joystick
- 2 1-Meg VRAM max
- 7/89 - Pro750 Application Development Platform (ADP) FCS, $22K
- 2/90 - ActionMedia 750: DS1 / CS1
- Display board (DS1): PA/DA,
- Audio: TMS 320C10, 33 MHz
- Single monitor keyed VGA display, Horiz interp
- CD-ROM interface: SCSI subset
- Capture board (CS1): video & audio
- ISA & MCA, 1-4 MB, GA's, local DVI bus
- $1995/1M, $2495/2M, $2150 Capture, $4500 AVSS
- 11/91 - ActionMedia II: DS2 & CS2 FCS
- PB/DB, AD DSP audio, SCSI port, ISA & MCA, GA's
- AVK for OS/2 1.3 and Windows 3.0, PLV 2.0, RTV 2.0
- AT $1895/2M, MCA $2095, Capt $695, AVSS $1K, AVK $3K
- 1992 - Comdex/Fall - Intel announces RT Video board for real-time capture
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- 11/87 - 1.00 - Tower board, pre-beta
- 4/88 - 1.03 - Alpha program
- 7/88 - 1.04 - DOS 3.3, MS-C 5.1
- 11/88 - 1.05 - Large model microcode
- 4/89 - 1.06 - New interface, YUV/YVU, 3-D
- 7/89 - 2.00 - 7-Board Set / Pro750 FCS
- 11/89 - 2.10.2 - DS1, reduce code size, multiple boards
- 1/90 - 2.10.4 - VGA Key
- 3/90 - 2.10 - DS1 MCA, ActionMedia I, DOS 4.0x, RTV, stereo audio
- reduced host RAM, reliability $4500 AVSS, Tools $1200
- 7/90 - 2.12 - V1 chip
- 8/90 - 2.13 - PAL support ?? 2.2x ActionMedia II
- 11/91 - 1.0 - OS/2 1.3, v44, IBM Gold, Intel Beta + Enterprise
- 92 - 1.1 Windows 3.1 - v122, IBM Gold, Intel Enterprise Beta
- 7/92 - 1.1 Windows 3.1 - v158, RTV 2.1, Intel Gold
- 7/92 - 1.1 OS/2 2.0 - v159, RTV 2.1, IBM Gold
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- 1988 - PLV 1.0, 30 fps, full-screen, near-VCR
- 1989 - PLV 1.5, VCR
- 1990 - PLV 2.0, near-TV
- 1988 - RTV 1.0, 10 fps, near-VCR
- 1990 - RTV 1.5, 30 fps, near-VCR, High data rate
- 1990 - RTV 2.0, 30 fps, VCR
- 1992 - RTV 2.1, scalable
- 1992 - RTV 3.0, video conferencing
- 1992 - Comdex/Fall - Microsoft announces Video for Windows, with Intel Indeo Video
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- 8/90 - 16-node 386-based hypercube
- 3-4/91 - 8-node, 860-based hypercubes
- 2/91 - New Compression Facility at Horizons Technology, Inc. in San Diego, CA.
also NB Engineering, Inc., Crofton, MD
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