DVI Technology: | Chronology | Products | Applications | Galactic Challenge | Publications | Photos & Videos | DVI Technology Products: Intel Pro750 Product Family (1989) by Douglas Dixon
The DVI Pro750 Application Development PlatformDVI Technology was first introduced to the public by Sarnoff and G.E. in 1987, and then was acquired by Intel in October 1988. The first DVI implementation used the "Tower board" hardware, with the initial VDP chips installed on oversize PC boards -- which required a modified case with a tower enclosure. This hardware were used by early partners for pilot applications as the DOS-based software was improved and development continued on the next-generation chips and associated board hardware. The first commercial DVI product, the Pro750 ADP (Application Development Platform), was announced in March 1989, with the first customer ship on July 21, 1989. This was a joint product with Intel and Microsoft. The Pro750 ADP was based on the new "7-board set" -- actually three boards (Video, Audio, Utility/CD-ROM) in three slots (with possible overhang), plus add-in piggyback modules for a Video Digitizer, Audio Digitizer, and 2 GB of VRAM memory. The DVI product was packaged as the Pro750 ADP, a turn-key development system which included a IBM PC/AT-compatible computer with 40 MB hard drive, the full DVI 7-board set, and the DVI software. The product was introduced at $22,000. Since the Pro750 ADP was designed as a development system, with the digitizer hardware and authoring software, Intel also made available the Pro750 End-User Kit for configuring DVI-based delivery systems, with the three main boards plus VRAM, and the run-time software and diagnostics. DVI Pro750 Product Components- The Video board held the Intel 82750 PA/DA Video Display Processors (VDP) chips. The microcoded 82750PA pixel processor ran at 12.5 MIPS for video and image decompression and graphics effects. The 82750DA display processor supported horizontal resolutions up to 1024 pixels with vertical resolutions up to 585 lines, with full color (up to 16.8 million colors).- The Audio board used a TMS 320C10 DSP to provide multi-track. multi-channel digital audio, with up to four tracks mixed down to two output channels., at up to 32 KHz, including real-time ADPCM compression and decompression. - The Utility board included a CD-ROM interface (including internal or external Sony players), plus two game ports for 3-button joysticks. - The DVI system software included RTX (Real-time Executive), a multi-tasking extension under MS-DOS, and AVSS (Audio/Video Support System), a real-time manager for full-motion video playback. The system software and authoring tools were designed for multimedia application development under DOS in the C programming language. - The DVI authoring tools included tools to capture and compress still images and digital audio directly on the Pro750 system, the Audio/Video Editing Tool to preview and edit video and audio files for playback, and CD-ROM layout and formatting tools for disc replication. - The Edit-Level Video (ELV) support real-time capture and compression of video directly on the Pro750 system for previewing the final application. Then, for final video quality, the original video is shipped to the DVI Compression Service to create Presentation-Level Video (PLV) files.[ Top ] Intel Pro750 Product Family -- based on DVI TechnologyFrom Intel product brochures:
DIGITAL VIDEO AND AUDIO FOR THE PERSONAL COMPUTERIntegrating Motion Video, Audio and Graphics on a CD-ROM The Intel Pro750 product family incorporates Digital Video Interactive (DVI) technology to open a new world of interactive multimedia software for application developers and video producers. With Pro750 hardware and software products, developers can provide new dimensions in personal computer software, offering full-motion video, multiple-track audio, high-resolution still video images and dynamic graphics, all in a single, integrated application. The Pro750 Application Development Kit (ADK) is a complete development environment, consisting of three boards and four add-on modules for installation in a PC ATT bus, PC-compatible computer. System software, authoring and production software tools provide the application developer with the support tools necessary for DVI software development in the C programming language. The Pro750 End-User Kit (EUK) is a subset of the ADK and provides the basic functionality required to run a DVI application program. It consists of the ADK's three main boards with a single add-on memory module and driver software. DVI FEATURESTurn Your PC into a Powerful Interactive Video/Audio/Graphics System
[ Top ] Hardware Features82750 PA/DA VIDEO DISPLAY PROCESSORSThe 82750 chip set is the heart of today's DVI technology. The chip set is designed to offer an integrated solution to video and graphics. Its flexible features support the decompression and display of motion video images, video compression, image manipulation and dynamic graphics. The 82750PA is a pixel processor operating at 12.5 MIPS. It is a programmable device with on-chip RAM for microcoded programs. The 82750DA is a highly flexible display processor. It offers horizontal resolutions up to 1024 pixels with vertical resolutions up to 585 lines conforming to NTSC. PAL and graphics standards. Up to 16.8 million colors can be displayed at a time. VIDEO BOARD WITH VRAM MODULES AND OPTIONAL NTSC DIGITIZERThe Pro750 Video Board contains the Intel 82750PA/DA Video Display Processors. It is designed for output to an analog RGB display. The board also includes an RCA phono jack for video input to the optional NTSC Video Digitizer Add-on Module. Connectors are included on the video board to allow the Digitizer to be installed as a piggyback module on the video board. The Digitizer Module genlocks to an external video source. allowing images to be captured at a resolution up to 768 pixels by 512 lines and allowing images to be superimposed on an NTSC input. The combination Video Board and Digitizer Module occupy a single slot. Connectors on the Video Board and VRAM Modules allow VRAM Modules to be configured based upon the needs of an application. The Pro750 EUK provides 1MB of VRAM. The standard ADK is shipped with 2MB of VRAM. Up to 4MB of VRAM can be installed in a Pro750 system. Configurations utilizing two or more VRAM Modules extend into the adjacent slot in a standard AT bus system. Video Board
Video Digitizer Module
AUDIO BOARD AND ADD-ON DIGITIZER MODULEThe Pro750 Audio Board uses a TMS 320C10 Digital Signal Processor to provide multi-track. multi-channel digital audio. Up to four tracks are dynamically mixable down to two output channels. Variable sampling rates are provided up to 32 KHz over an 84 dB dynamic range. Audio software algorithms include real-time ADPCM compression and decompression. For output there are 2 RCA phono output jacks for connection to a standard stereo audio amplifier. Two additional RCA phono jacks are used for input to the Audio Digitizer Add-on Module. Connectors are included on the board for the Audio Digitizer Module. Audio Board
Audio Digitizer Module
UTILITY BOARD WITH CD-ROM INTERFACEThe Utility Board includes the interface to a Sony 6100 series CD-ROM player. A 50-pin connector is also mounted on the board for connecting to an internal Sony 510 CD-ROM player. The CD-ROM driver is compatible with Microsoft CD-ROM Extension drivers for DOS. Two high-performance game port connectors are also mounted on the backplane for use with two 3-button joysticks. Utility Board
[ Top ] Software FeaturesRUN-TIME SYSTEM SOFTWARESystem Software libraries are included to allow DVI data files to run in the DOS environment. These are libraries of object files for compiling and linking into a final DVI application. RTX, or Real-time Executive, is a multi-tasking extension of PC-DOST and MS-DOST and includes a library of routines to allow the many capabilities of DVI to work concurrently. AVSS, or Audio/Video Support System, is a real-time manager of digital data files, read from disk or from RAM, which coordinates the simultaneous support and presentation of digital audio and video. AVSS includes routines for controlling various combinations of full-motion video, digital audio and still frames individually or in combination. The Video Microcode Library allows access to the capabilities of the Intel 82750 chip set. This library includes routines for decompression of full-motion video, image processing, and for the creation of graphics and video effects. A Graphics Library is included to provide C-language access to the high-performance capabilities of the 82750 chip set. System Software
AUTHORING TOOLSTo assist in the creative process of editing and assembling audio/video data files and software routines into a finished application, the ADK includes Authoring Tools software. The application developer can use Edit-Level Video (ELV) software tools for real-time compression of video directly on a PC using the processing power of the 82750 chip set. This allows the developer to work with ELV video in previewing the final application. Tools are included to provide ELV compression at a rate of 10 frames per second, to playback ELV data files, and to incorporate ELV files into an application. Then, for final video quality, the DVI Compression Service is used to create Presentation-Level Video (PLV) files. Software tools are included to allow still images to be captured and compressed at various resolutions and quality levels on the Pro750 system. This gives the application developer creative control over the final image file size and quality. Tools are also included for capturing and editing digital audio. The developer has control over the quality level (sampling rate) and can program the audio for dynamic mix and presentation of the two output channels. For previewing and editing video and audio data files, the Audio/Video Editing Tool is provided to allow the developer to select edit and linking points for data files. It creates files for AVSS to use in running the final program. To assist with preparation of compressed data for replication on CD-ROMs, the ADK includes layout and formatting software tools. Authoring Tools
DRIVERS AND DIAGNOSTICSThe Driver Software allows the Pro750 board products to operate with DOS and the PC computer. Diagnostics Software is also supplied to test the operation of the boards. DEMONSTRATION SOFTWAREDemonstration software includes sample code to demonstrate microcode routines and a collection of examples of application software. [ Top ] Services and Support DECOMPRESSION SERVICEThe Pro750 ADK is designed to work in conjunction with Intel Princeton Operation Compression Service. After the developer has selected motion video for use in a final application, it is sent on master videotape to a DVI Compression Service facility for Presentation-Level Video compression. The developer can play back this compressed motion video on the Pro750 ADK or EUK. TRAININGIntel Princeton Operation offers a training program for application developers, programmers, and hardware developers. The curriculum includes hands-on training covering all aspects of the Pro750 family of hardware and software products. CUSTOMER SUPPORTTechnical customer support is available through an on-line electronic mail system, facsimile and telephone. [ Top ] SpecificationsPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSVideo Board: Standard Full Slot PC AT -13.2" x 4.5" Board Interface Connections Video Board: -Analog RGB output (female DB-9 connector) APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT KIT HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS-PC AT or compatible 80286 or 80386 based computer with 3 available AT bus
slots and 640K system memory. (With 2MB or more of VRAM the Video Board will
extend into fourth slot in some PCs.) Optional: -Sony 510-12 Internal Half-height CD-ROM Player or Sony 6100 Series External
CD-ROM Player with MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT KIT SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS-IBM PC-DOS 3.3 or Microsoft MS-DOS 3.3 Operating System POWER CONSUMPTION<see brochure> ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTSEnvironment / Requirement ORDERING INFORMATIONOrder Code / Description PRO750/1200ADK - Pro750 Application Developer Kit including Video Board with add-on modules for 2MB VRAM and Video Digitizing, Audio Board with Audio Digitizer Add-on Module, and Utility board. Application Development Software includes Runtime System Software, Authoring Tools, Drivers, Diagnostics, and Demonstration Software. PRO750/1200EUK - Pro750 End-User Kit includes Video Board with 1MB VRAM Add-on Module, Audio Board, and Utility Board. Software Drivers and Diagnostics are included. ReferencesIntel Pro750 Product Family Brochure, March 1989, 4 pp.
Intel DVI Technology / Commercial Board Products - Preliminary Product Information, 1988, 2 pp.
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