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DVI Technology Publications
by Douglas Dixon
Selected publications about DVI Technology, products, and applications.
See also -- DVI on Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Video_Interactive
The development of DVI was extensively documented, in
books and articles, marketing literature and videotapes, patent filings, and
in internal technical memos:
- The early development of the DVI concept was documented
in internal Sarnoff project memos distributed among the original team at the David
Sarnoff Research Center. Over 500 such memos were generated from 1982 to 1989,
especially to detail the results of technical evaluations and decisions.
- With the acquisition of RCA by G.E. and then public
announcement of DVI Technology in March 1987, the project moved into a very
public phase of publicizing the technology, with articles and then books,
papers and conference presentations, and conference exhibits.
- The product marketing effort also developed a variety
of marketing collateral including newsletters, technology white papers,
product brochures, and other meeting literature. As a visual technology, the
DVI project also developed a number of videotapes from the very beginning of
the project.
- The acquisition of DVI by Intel in November 1988
expanded this effort, and the resulting productization in partnership with IBM
added additional publications, especially hardware and software product
documentation, as well as additional patents.
DVI Books
DVI Technology is documented in two books: Digital Video in the PC
Environment by Arch Luther (manager of the Sarnoff team) and Multimedia
Application Development Using DVI Technology by Mark Bunzel and Sandra
Morris (manager of the developers program at Sarnoff and then Intel). Both were
revised with a second edition, and together they cover the period from 1989
through 1994.
The DVI technology and products are also described in other books of this
period covering multimedia, interactive video, and CD-ROM.

- Digital Video in the PC Environment, Luther 1989|
Digital Video in the PC Environment /
Featuring DVI Technology
Luther, Arch. C.
McGraw-Hill, N.Y.
1st ed. January 1989, 330 pages
Paperback, 370pp / ISBN: 0070391777 / ISBN-13:
Hardcover, 370pp / ISBN: 0070391769 / ISBN-13:
- Digital Video in the PC Environment (2nd Ed.), Luther 1991
Digital Video in the PC Environment / Featuring DVI
2nd ed. 1991, 346 pages -- mail in for 2 software
McGraw-Hill Companies
Paperback, 370pp / ISBN: 0070391793 / ISBN-13:
Hardcover, 370pp / ISBN: 0070391785 / ISBN-13:
- Multimedia Application Development Using DVI Technology, Bunzel &
Morris 1992
Bunzel, Mark, and Morris, Sandra
McGraw-Hill, January 1992
Hardcover, 265 pages / ISBN: 007043297X / ISBN-13:
- Multimedia Applications Development Using Indeo and DVI..., Bunzel
& Morris 1994
Multimedia Applications Development Using Indeo Video
and DVI Technology
M. J. Bunzel, S. K. Morris.
McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1994
Hardcover - 2nd ed, Pub. Date: July 1993, ISBN:
Paperback - 2nd ed, Pub. Date: September 1993, ISBN:
[ Top ]
- Dixon, Douglas F.,
A Core Graphics Environment for Teletext Simulations
Computer Graphics, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '83, 17, 3, July 1983, 176-181.
[ Top ]
First articles after public announcement
- Dixon, Douglas F., Golin, S. J., and Hashfield, I. H.,
DVI Video / Graphics
Computer Graphics World, 10, 7, July 1987, 125-128.
- Dixon, Douglas F., and Keith, M.,
Warping Video to 3D Graphics
Computer Graphics World, 10, 9, Sept. 1987, 105-106.
- Luther, Arch
New Integrated Video and Graphics Technology: Digital
Video Interactive
Optical Information Systems, v7 n6, p 412-15, Nov-Dec
[ based on document released at Microsoft 2nd Intl.
CD-ROM Conference, March 1987 ]
- Ripley, David
Digital Video Interactive: Capabilities and
possibilities in training
Paper presented at the Ninth Conference on
Interactive Videodisc in Education and Training
SALT, Washington, DC, Aug. 1987
- Morris, Sandra and Benenson, Alexander
Digital Video Interactive technology in
education and training
Paper presented at the Ninth Conference on
Interactive Videodisc in Education and Training
SALT, Washington, DC, Aug. 1987 / Society of Applied
Learning Technology (SALT)
- Morris, Sandra
Digital Video Interactive Technology: One
medium, many methods
Presented at Applications of Artificial Intelligence
and CD-ROM in Education and Training
LTI and SALT, Arlington, VA, Aug 1987
- Morris, Sandra
Digital Video Interactive - A New Integrated Format for Multi-Media
Microcomputers for Information Management, 4, 4, Dec. 1987, 249-261.
- Morris, Sandra
Old ideas, new technologies, and childhood
Education and Computing 3, 3 (1987), 239-246.
- Morris, Sandra
New Technologies in Education
Education and Computing, v3 n3-4 p239-57 1987
- Wilson, Kathleen S.
The Palenque Optical Disc Prototype: Design of
Multimedia Experiences for Education and Entertainment
in a Nontraditional Learning
Technical Report No. 44. (ED319377) - 1987-05
- Zimmerman, Paula S.,
DVI Technology and Video Production Considerations
Proc. NCGA '88, March 1988, Vol. III, 644-649.
- R.N. Hurst and A.C. Luther
DVI: Digital video from a CD-ROM
Information Display, April 1988, pp. 8 - 10.
- Luther, Arch. C.,
You are there ... and in control
IEEE Spectrum, 25, 9, Sept. 1988, 45-50.
- Wilson K.S
Palenque: an interactive multimedia digital video
interactive prototype for children
Proceedings of CHI'88 (Pages 275-279), ACM, NY, 1988.
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

The early development of the DVI concepts, technology, and simulations are
described in a special issue of the Communications of the ACM on
interactive digital video, July 1989, (Volume 32 Issue 7), which includes
articles from team members on the DVI applications, simulations, and
- Edward A. Fox
The coming revolution in interactive digital video
Comm. of the ACM, 32, 7, July 1989, 794 - 801.
- Ripley, G. David,
Digital Video Interactive - A Digital Multimedia
Comm. of the ACM, 32, 7, July 1989, 811-822.
- Dixon, Douglas F.,
Life Before the Chips: Simulating DVI Technology
Comm. of the ACM, 32, 7, July 1989, 824-831.
- Tinker, Michael,
DVI Parallel Image Compression
Comm. of the ACM, 32, 7, July 1989, 844-851.
- Manes, Stephen,
The Road to Respect
PC Computing, March 1989, 107-115.
- Glass, L. Brett,
Digital Video Interactive
Byte, May 1989, 283-289.
- Morris, Sandra. K., and Zimmerman, P. S.,
DVI and its Applications
In The Microsoft CD-ROM Yearbook, 1989-90,
Microsoft Press, Redmond, Wash. 1989, 72-79.
- Manepally, R.; Sprague, D.;
Intel's i750 (R) video processor - The programmable
IEEE Compcon Spring '91. Digest of Papers; 25 Feb.-1
March 1991, 324 - 329.
- Harney, Kevin et al,
The i750 Video Processor: A Total Multimedia Solution
Comm. of the ACM, 34, 4, April 1991, 65-78.
- Edward A. Fox,
Advances in Interactive Digital Multimedia Systems
Computer, v.24 n.10, p.9-21, October 1991.
- Donovan, John W.,
Intel/IBM's Audio-Video Kernel
Byte, Dec. 1991, 177-186.
- Green, James L.,
The Evolution of DVI System Software
Comm. of the ACM, 35, 1, Jan. 1992, 53-67.
- Morris, Sandra
Digital Video and DVI Multimedia Products
Instructional Delivery Systems, Jan-Feb 1992, v6 n1
p15, 18-20.
- Golin, Stuart J.,
DVI Image Compression - Second Generation
SPIE Vol. 1657, Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques III, Feb. 1992.
- Green, James L.,
System software for multimedia
IEEE Compcon Spring '92, 24-28 Feb. 1992, pp. 5 - 11.
- Cross, Jerry,
Playing Live Digital Video Under Windows
Windows/DOS Developer's Journal, March 1992, 39-48.
- Maureen McManus
Multimedia Development
Computer Graphics World, March 1992, pp 69 - 74.
- Green, James L.,
Capturing Digital Video Using DVI
Dr. Dobb's Journal, July 1992, 16-24.
- Fulco, William,
The QuickTime / AVK Connection
Dr. Dobb's Journal, July 1992, 28-30.
[ Top ]
DVI Interactivities / Newsletters - 1987 - 1992
DVI Marketing Brochures: Technology / Product
DVI Product Manuals
- AVSS DOS Software
- AVK Windows Software
- ActionMedia Hardware
[ Top ]