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About Douglas Dixon -- Full Vita
Technical Projects
-- Seminars and Talks -- Books and Articles
-- Professional Activities

Douglas Dixon
Douglas Dixon is an independent technology
consultant, editor, author, and speaker specializing in digital media. He has worked in the
"Video Valley" of Princeton, N.J. for over twenty-five years, at the
bleeding edge where advanced consumer video applications meet personal
Doug writes books and articles about new
and cutting-edge technology, making it understandable and useful for real people.
He makes his writing and presentations freely available on his Manifest Technology
web site (www.manifest-tech.com).
Through his company, Manifest Technology, LLC, he consults and develops technical
communications for military and commercial clients including Adobe, Intel, and Sonic
Solutions. He also provides expert witness consulting services in digital media and
DVD, technology and products, business and markets.
LinkedIn -- www.linkedin.com/in/douglasdixon
FTC Disclosure statement. |
A graduate of Brown University, Doug's career has been focused
on bringing high-tech (especially multimedia) technology to real-world use, through developing
technology into useful consumer products, and by writing about technology
applications for consumer and professional publications.
As a product manager, project leader, and software developer, Doug has extensive
experience developing video-based products at Intel Corp. and at Sarnoff
Corp. in Princeton.
He has published four books and associated international editions, including Adobe
Encore DVD: In the Studio (O'Reilly, Sept. 2004) Desktop
DVD Authoring (New Riders, 2002) and several editions of How to Use Adobe Premiere
6.5 (Que, 2002), plus three international editions.
Doug has published over 300 feature articles since 1999. He covers digital media for Videomaker magazine, as well as Condé
Nast Traveler magazine, and online at Internet Video Magazine. He covers regional technology business in Princeton's U.S.
1 Newspaper.
Previously, he was Editor-in-Chief and Editor at Large for CDSA's Mediaware magazine, East Coast Technical Editor for Camcorder
& Computer Video magazine, and a contributor to Digital
Photographer, DV Magazine, CNET
Reviews, and Digital2Disc / One to One magazine.
(See What's New for a chronological list of articles, and the Links
to External Articles)
Doug has presented over a hundred talks and seminars since 2001, at local, regional, and
national meetings, from conferences to user groups, including NAB, CES, Government Video Expo,
DV Expo, ShowBiz Expo NY, DVD Conference, and TECHXNY / PC Expo.
(See Presentations Schedule and Technical
Seminar Topics)
Doug makes his work freely available online on his Manifest Technology website, including articles, seminar materials, and other digital media information and references, and posts shorter updates on his Manifest Technology Blog.

w/ camera - Photo 2
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Doug has worked as a product manager, project leader, and software developer
with Sarnoff
and Intel. He received two
individual and three team Sarnoff Achievement awards and holds five issued U.S.
As a Technology Leader at Sarnoff
Corp. (formerly RCA Labs) in Princeton,
N.J., Doug drove new technology
into commercial products, including the creation and initial prototype
development of the LifeClips tape- to- DVD system.
Previously, he was Project Leader and
Product Manager for the development of the VideoBrush product line, providing
real-time stitching of panoramic views from live video on the PC. This was
Sarnoff's first retail consumer PC product, and developed into a product line
with video and photo stitching tools, bundled by companies including Toshiba and
Doug was also Project Leader for the PC-based
feasibility prototypes for the Sensar iris recognition personal identification
system for bank ATM machines, and Software Project Leader for a consumer virtual
reality video game system.
At Intel Corp., and previously at RCA Labs, Doug was System Software Manager for the development
of the DVI (Digital Video Interactive)
Technology software products that first brought
motion video to PC's under Windows and OS/2.
These products won "Best of
Show" at Comdex / Fall '91. The development of these products are described
in Comm. of the ACM, July 1989.
Doug is a graduate of Brown University, where he received a M.S.
and B.S. in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude.
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Through his company, Manifest Technology, LLC, Doug consults
on multimedia technology and market trends. He typically works with
start-ups and other companies interested in entering new tech markets.
His services include exploring potential technology and products, reviewing
business plans, evaluating markets, and referrals to possible partners
in the industry. He also performs test design, execution, and analysis services for military clients.
He also develops technical
communications for clients including Adobe, Intel, and Sonic
Solutions, developing materials including white papers, conference
materials, and press guides to explain new technology and products.
And Doug provides expert witness consulting services in digital media
and DVD technology and products, business and markets, including for
RealNetworks, Inc. v. MPAA and Apple Computer v. Burst.com.
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Doug has presented over 130 seminars and talks since 2001.
(See Presentations Schedule and Technical
Seminar Topics)

Doug has spoken and presented training seminars at
national conferences including NAB, CES, Government Video Expo, DV Expo East, ShowBiz Expo NY, DVD Conference, TECHXNY / PC
Expo, Comdex and the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference.
He has been invited to speak to educational groups including the
Consortium of Distance Education, American Association of Community Colleges, The College of New
Jersey, and Mercer County Community College.
Doug also speaks to local and regional professional groups including
the DVD Association, Media Communications Association, ACM, IEEE, and user groups. |
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Doug has published four books, plus three international editions, and
300 feature articles since 1999, specializing in multimedia products, technology,
trends, and business.
(See What's New and the Links
to External Articles)

Doug's DVD authoring books are
Adobe Encore DVD: In the Studio
(O'Reilly, Sept. 2004) and
Desktop DVD
Authoring (New Riders, Oct. 2002), |
His previous video editing books are
How to Use Adobe Premiere
6.5 (Que, Dec. 2002) and
How to Use Adobe Premiere 6
July 2001).
He also has been a technical editor for several multimedia titles.

Doug covers digital media for Videomaker magazine.
Previously, he was Editor-in-Chief and Editor at Large for CDSA's Mediaware magazine, East Coast Technical Editor for Camcorder
& Computer Video magazine, and a contributor to and Condé
Nast Traveler magazine, Digital
Photographer magazine, DV
Magazine and CNET
Reviews, and Digital2Disc / One to One magazine. He also has written for Computer
Video Magazine (UK), PC
Magazine, and NJ Tech
(see What's New and the Links
to External Articles page) |
Doug also covers regional technology business for the U.S. 1 Newspaper in Princeton.

As a developer, Doug also has has published technical
articles on his projects in publications ranging from ACM and IEEE
journals to Computer Graphics World. |
Doug makes this writing freely available online, including articles, seminar materials, digital media information and references.
He has been posting to his Manifest Technology website since 2000, and writing shorter updates for his Manifest Technology Blog since 2007. |
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Doug has been active for over two decades in coordinating and
supporting local, regional, and national professional activities. These include
computer, video, and Internet associations and professional chapters, as well as
outreach to the public through activities such as the Trenton Computer Festival.
Doug is a member of the ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He received the IEEE Region 1 Award in June 2001 in recognition of
his regional professional activities.
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