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Douglas Dixon - Vita
Douglas Dixon
Multimedia Technology and Communications
Manifest Technology,
Technology Analysis and Communication
Technology analyst, author and editor, seminar presenter / trainer
Expert witness consulting
- Technical analysis and review: Evaluate technology, products, trends,
- Expert witness: Digital media and DVD, technology and products, business and market
- Books, articles, seminars, white papers, product marketing documents.
- Focus in multimedia: video editing, DVD, streaming media, mobile devices.
Technology Development and Productization
Product manager, Project leader
- Technology product development, across the end-to-end process of assembling
technology components and packaging into usable products to bring to market.
- Conceptualization, business analysis, partner relationships, technical
prototyping, development and integration, user interface refinement, business
development, productization, testing, marketing, sales, support.
- Focus in multimedia software development.
Professional Activities and Recognition
LinkedIn -- www.linkedin.com/in/douglasdixon
- Technical analysis and review: Evaluate technology, products, trends,
- System and network test design, execution, and analysis
- Expert
witness consulting: Digital media and DVD, technology and products, business and market
Sample projects
- Review business plan / product marketing
- Develop new product / business concepts
- Analysis of technical products and markets
- Referrals to potential partners
- Technical analysis of prior art
Sample cases
- RealNetworks, Inc. v. MPAA [Studio Defendants and DVD CCA]
Expert reports, deposition, and testimony on DVD technology, especially
copy protection, working with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, San
Francisco, for RealNetworks.
- Apple Computer, Inc. v. Burst.com, Inc. (settled 11/07)
Services to Weil, Gotshal & Manges, who successfully settled a major patent infringement
lawsuit for Apple Inc., against Burst.com. Weil Gotshal obtained summary
judgments invalidating certain of Burst's patent claims that purported to
cover "faster-than-real-time" transmission.
- SCM Microsystems, Inc. v. YOUCre8, Inc. (settled 12/05)
Services for SCM, who settled pending litigation with YOUCre8. a/k/a DVDCre8, a software
company whose software was at one time distributed by Dazzle Multimedia, now
SCM. The settlement resolved all claims by DVDCre8 against SCM, Dazzle and
Pinnacle Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Avid.
[ Top
- Technical product and marketing
- Customers
include Adobe, Intel, Siemens, Sonic Solutions, Sony
Selected corporate projects
- Technical marketing publications
- Technical case studies
- Product Reviewers Guides
- Technical training
[ Top
- Published four books, plus three
international editions
- Published over 300 feature
articles since 1999
- See What's New
for full list of articles posted on website,
- See Links
to External Articles for published articles hosted on other sites
Feature Articles

Published over 300 feature articles since 1999
- Contributor, Videomaker magazine since 2009
- Contributor, Condé Nast
Traveler magazine since 2008
- Contributing Editor, Internet Video Magazine since 2002
- Contributor, U.S. 1
since 1999
- Editor-in-Chief, Mediaware magazine
2006 - 08
Editor at Large, Contributor since
2003 - 05
- East Coast Technical Editor, Camcorder
& Computer Video
2005 - 08, Contributor 1999 - 2005
- Contributor, Digital2Disc / One to One magazine, 2010 - 12
- Contributor, Digital
Photographer magazine, 2001 - 09
- Contributor, DV Magazine, 2004 -
- Contributor, CNET Reviews
/ Computer Shopper, 2003 - 05
- Also Computer Video (U.K.), PC Magazine,
NJ Tech
Writing Online
[ Top
- Presented over a hundred seminars and
talks since 2001
- Organized conference sessions
and programs
- See chronological Presentations
Schedule for list of upcoming and recent events
- See
full list of Technical Seminar Topics for
presentation abstracts and

Presented technical talks and seminars, and
organized conference sessions and programs, on topics including:
- Digital Video
- DVD Authoring
- Streaming Media
- Computer Graphics
- Presented training seminars at national conferences (2001 - 2005) including:
- Consumer Electronics Show
(CES) / Digital Media Training Conf.
- National Association of
Broadcasters (NAB) / Post|Production World Conf.
Post+ Production Conference NY
- Government Video Expo /
DigitalMediaDC Conf.
- DV Expo East
- ShowBiz Expo NY
- DVD International Conference
- Presented corporate training seminars including:
- Presented to educational organizations including:
- Princeton
University Lunch 'n Learn Information Technology Seminars
- Princeton
Public Library
- The College of New Jersey
- Mercer County Community
- American Association of
Community Colleges
- Consortium of Distance Education
- New Jersey Library Association
- Presented to local and regional professional groups including:
and IEEE Computer Society: Princeton chapters
Association: New York chapter
- Media Communications Association:
New York, Princeton, and
Philadelphia chapters
- Entertainment Technology
Conference - EnTech
- Trenton Computer Festival
- Philadelphia
Area Computer Society
- Princeton Macintosh Users
- Princeton PC Users Group
[ Top
- Major projects: Advanced
technology protototyping and productization
Sarnoff Corporation

Sarnoff Corp. (formerly RCA Labs), Princeton NJ (1993 - 2003)
Technology Leader; Product manager, Project
leader, Software developer
Received one individual and three team Sarnoff
Achievement awards
Project paper published in IEEE WACV
Three U.S. patents issued

- JNDmetrix Visual Quality Analysis
(2001 - 03)
Product Manager, Project Leader
Productized Sarnoff image quality
analysis technology
- LifeClips Automated Tape to DVD Conversion (1999 - 2000)
Prototype Team Lead
Developed prototype automated tape to
DVD conversion system
Company raised next round of funding,
transferred to factory
- VideoBrush PC Panorama Products (1995 - 99)
Product Manager, Project Leader for
Sarnoff's first retail software products
Shipped retail PC software products and
Received R&D 100 Award 1998
Bundled by Sony, Toshiba, Winnov, and
Acquired by PictureWorks Corp., and IPIX
- Sensar IrisIdent Prototypes (1995 - 96)
Project Leader for development of
product proof-of-concept prototypes
Achieved continued funding and
development, transferred to company
Funded by OKI and AT&T, acquired by
Iridian Corp.
- Virtual Reality Game System (1993 - 95)
Software Project Leader for virtual
reality entertainment system
Drove system architecture design and
Coordinated nation-wide development team
Hosted successful demonstrations and
market tests of game simulations
Intel Corporation

Intel Corporation, Princeton
NJ (1988 - 1992)
Digital Video Interactive
(DVI) Technology
System Software Manager, System Software
Paper published in Communications of the ACM
Two U.S. patents issued

- DVI Audio Video Kernel (AVK) software product (1990-92)
Developed initial proof-of-concept
prototype for portable Audio Video Kernel
Technical Lead for joint Intel / IBM
team, developed architecture and design
Technical Lead for first implementation,
Project Lead for follow-up releases
Awarded "Best of Show" COMDEX
/ Fall 1991, evolved to Indeo products
RCA Laboratories

:David Sarnoff Research Center (RCA Labs), Princeton
NJ (1978 - 1988)
Member of Technical Staff
Received RCA Laboratories Achievement and
Software Recognition awards
Paper published and presented for ACM SIGGRAPH
- DVI Prototyping and Initial
Product Development (1983 - 88)
Developed initial video / graphics system
software, tools, and demonstrations
- Interactive Consumer Electronics Products Prototyping (1979
- 83)
Designed and implemented product concept simulations
and prototypes
for interactive video and computer
graphics consumer electronics applications
Developed program and compiler testing tools
[ Top
- Received four Sarnoff and two RCA Laboratories awards
Sarnoff Corporation
- Sarnoff Team Recognition Award, May 2001 (LifeClips DVD
"For development of the LifeClips system for enhancement and
of home video to DVD and the web."
- Sarnoff Achievement Award, Sept. 1997 (VideoBrush
PC vision applications)
"For initiating and leading Sarnoff's program to bring computer
to PC-based consumer products, including the creation of
- Sarnoff Team Achievement Award, Sept. 1997 (VideoBrush
PC vision applications)
"For the development of a consumer level, PC software based mosaicing
- Sarnoff Team Achievement Award, Sept. 1996 (Sensar
"For the development of a world leading biometric identification
based on remotely captured images of the iris."
Intel Corporation
- Intel Asilomar VI, One of 74 invitees to
corporate-wide technical conference, June 1992
RCA Laboratories
- RCA Laboratories Software
Recognition Award, Aug. 1986
Pascal Compiler Test Facility
- RCA Laboratories Outstanding
Achievement Award, May 1985 (DVI prototyping)
"For contributions to graphics and digital image software
for research in consumer electronics products."
[ Top
Sarnoff Corporation
- Fully automated iris recognition
system utilizing wide and narrow fields of view
U.S. Patent No.
6,714,665, Issued March 30, 2004
- Microscopy system utilizing a
plurality of images for enhanced image processing capabilities
U.S. Patent No. 6,313,452, Issued Nov. 6, 2001
- Method and apparatus for
performing local to global multiframe alignment
to construct mosaic images
U.S. Patent No. 6,078,701, Issued June 20, 2000
- Method and apparatus for mosaic
image construction
U.S. Patent No. 6,075,905, Issued June 13, 2000
Intel Corporation
- Method and apparatus for data
buffering and queue management
of digital motion video
U.S. Patent No. 5,450,544, Issued Sept. 12, 1995
- Processor with hierarchical
memory and using meta-instructions
for software control of loading,
unloading, and execution
of machine instructions
stored in the cache
U.S. Patent No. 5,187,793, Issued Feb. 16, 1993
[ Top
- Papers published in
Communications of the ACM, IEEE WACV, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH
- Technical Presentations at
Comdex, Government Video Technology Expo, ACM SIGGRAPH
Sarnoff Corporation (JND, VideoBrush, Sensar)
- Making Sense of Image Quality:
The JND Visual Quality Metric
Government Video Technology Expo 2001, Nov. 29, 2001
Washington Convention Center, Washington DC
- VideoBrush: Experiences with
Consumer Video Mosaicing
with H.S. Sawhney, R. Kumar, G. Gendel, J. Bergen, V. Paragano
Proc. WACV, Oct. 1998, pp. 56 - 62
(Fourth IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision)
- VideoBrush PC Mosaic
Comdex Spring 98 / Windows World panel session, April 21, 1998,
"Are Computers that See, Listen and Learn around the Corner?"
- For Your Eyes Only: Personal
Identification Using Iris Patterns
Princeton Chapters of the ACM/ IEEE Computer Society, May 9, 1996
Intel Corporation (DVI Technology)
- Life Before the Chips:
Simulating DVI Technology
Communications of the ACM, 32, 7, July 1989
- Digital Video Interactive:
Technology and Applications
Advances in Computer Graphics
NY Chapters of the IEEE Computer Society and the NCGA, Feb. 1989
- DVI Video / Graphics
with S.J. Golin and I.H. Hashfield, Computer Graphics World, 10, 7, July
- Warping Video to 3D Graphics
with M. Keith, Computer Graphics World, 10, 9, Sept. 1987
RCA Laboratories (Consumer Electronics Prototyping)
- A Core Graphics Environment for
Teletext Simulations
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '83, Computer Graphics 17, 3, July 1983
ACM SIGGRAPH '83 Slide Set, July 1983
- A Pascal Compiler Testing
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 17,1, Jan. 1982
Brown University
- Structured Programming in
Assembly Language
with A. van Dam et al, ACM SIGSE Bulletin, Dec. 1976
[ Top
- Local professional activities, professional memberships
- Professional awards: IEEE Senior Member, Sigma Xi
Professional Awards
- IEEE Region 1 Award, June 2001
"For Leadership of the Princeton Central Jersey Chapter
of the IEEE Computer Society and the Trenton Computer Festival."
- ACM Recognition of Service Award, May 2000
Presented to the Princeton Chapter for twenty years of service
(Over 200 meetings, 30 seminars)
- IEEE Senior Member, Elected March 1986.
- Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, Elected May 1977.
Professional Memberships
- IEEE (Senior Member), IEEE
Computer Society
- Sigma Xi
- DVD Association (DVDA)
- Media Communications Association
- International (MCA-I)
Local Professional Activities
- Princeton Chapters of the ACM /
IEEE Computer Society
Founder and first Chair, April 1980;
Board, 1980 - present; SIGGRAPH Chair
- IEEE Princeton / Central Jersey
Chair, 1981 - 1991; Board, 1981 - present
- Princeton Chapter of
the Media Communications Association
Board, 2000 - present
- Trenton Computer Festival
Contributor, speaker; 1983 - 2000
- NJ Communications, Advertising
& Marketing Association (CAMA)
- Princeton Macintosh Users Group
- Princeton PC Users Group
Previous Activities
- Electro / 87 and Mini / Micro-87: Chair, Mini-Micro Professional
Program Committee
- RCA Laboratories Colloquium
Chair, 1985 - 86; Member, 1984 - 87
- Occasional Journal Referee: WACV '98, ACM SIGGRAPH '95,
IEEE Computer '91,
Software - Practice & Experience '80's.
[ Top
Brown University

Brown University, Providence,
RI (1973 - 1977)
M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science, Magna Cum
(Both degrees in four years)
Studies included Computer Graphics with Andries van Dam
and Analysis of Algorithms with Robert
Head Teaching Assistant, Teaching Assistant
Updated 12/31/2014
[ Top